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How to Polish Car Windows to Remove Scratches [ENG]

Having perfect glasses is definitely a fundamental aspect for proper care of the car. In this article we will see how to polish the windows of the car with the aim of eliminating (or reducing) imperfections such as water stains, contamination and scratches. Needless to say, a perfect glass obviously helps in visibility and therefore in road safety.

Introduction to the polishing of glass

First you need to understand what it means to polish glass: it means using an abrasive product to remove dirt or particles from the surface. The goal is to remove a microscopic amount of glass to "rectify" it and then not see the defect anymore.

Why should it be necessary to polish a glass? It is not enough to clean it well? Obviously a correct cleaning is fundamental but not always enough. Polishing is necessary in some cases such as:

  • When it comes to eliminating stubborn contamination
  • When you want to remove an old protective applied on the glass
  • When you want to eliminate limestone spots that have managed to penetrate deep
  • When you want to remove small scratches due to dirty or worn wiper brushes

Questions about polishing glass

Here are some typical questions.

Can I polish a glass by hand? YES if you want to decontaminate and clean deep. NO if you hope to remove scratches

Can I polish with a rotor-flat polisher? YES but you won’t be powerful enough to eliminate deeper scratches

Can I use products for body polishing? Yes, you will get a very good level of cleaning but you will not be able to eliminate deep scratches. The glass is very hard and is not easy to treat.

Polishing a car glass: the necessary

If you want to polish a glass with the aim of eliminating small scratches you will need the following tools:

  • A rotary polisher machine
  • A specific buffer for glasses such as the Carpro Glass Pad or 3M Finesse
  • A glass polish based on cerium oxide such as Carpro Ceriglass
  • A spray filled with fresh water, preferably demineralized
  • A bucket of water and some microfiber cloths to clean the worked areas

Glass polishing: the practice

To polish the glass proceed as follows:

  1. Mount the chosen pad on the pad of the rotary polisher
  2. Add 8-10 drops of glazing polish to the pad previously moistened with water
  3. Place the pad on the glass and turn on the polisher. The typical speed is 1000-1100 rpm for a 5" pad. Will be higher accordingly for smaller tampons and lower for larger tampons
  4. Work the product in cross movements for a few seconds until the product starts to dry
  5. Periodically spray fresh water on the glass to cool it and increase the lubrication of the product
  6. Continue working by repeating the procedure several times
  7. Every 5-6 sections inspect the result, add more polish and start again until the goal is reached
  8. At the end of processing wash the car completely to eliminate any trace of polish

Enjoy the video we have prepared on the subject:

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